Kotohira-Gu | Entry Restrictions
Entry Restrictions
To our visitors,
We will be conducting a survey of each structure in our sacred precincts,from the revered main shrine to the surrounding buildings,safeguarding their essence for the generations ahead.
In light of this, we regret to inform you that entry restrictions will be implemented as detailed below.
We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may pose to those who come to offer their prayers. Your understanding and cooperation during this period are immensely appreciated.
Thank you for your kind understanding and cooperation.
January 22, 6th year of Reiwa (2024)
Kotohira-Gu (Shrine)
Mountain Entry is restricted during these times
February 13 (Tue)~February 16 (Fri), 6th year of Reiwa (2024)
February 19 (Mon)~February 22 (Thu), 6th year of Reiwa (2024)
Restriction Details
Main gate opening time 9:30 AM
Commencement of prayers,opening of amulet office 10:00AM
Museum facility opening time 10:00AM
(C) KOTOHIRA-GU 09-Feb-2024 0:36